It is important to know the cost of any investment and the Mystery Validation™ service should be viewed as a true investment.

The results from the Mystery Validation™ service should allow you to implement real change within the organization.

It is an investment into growing your Franchise system, helping Franchisees succeed, having better validation, increasing revenues, changing your training practices, providing a different type of support & more.

We do more than just call your Franchisees. We provide a customized & comprehensive report and then we review that report with you/your team so that you can get the nuance of the actual discussions. This isn’t just a data point, this is a “how did the call feel” & “what was the tone of the Franchise owner” type discussion.

Let’s talk further so that you can fully understand how the service works to help you implement real change in your Franchise company.

With that said, we do want to let you know up front about the investment.

We offer 3 different packages for Mystery Validation™

Bronze: 10 Franchisee Reports = $950

Silver: 20 Franchisee Reports = $1750

Gold: 40 Franchisee Reports = $3000

Make sure to check out How Does It Work to get the full value of what we are providing.

This is an investment into improving your Franchise. It is an investment into closing more Franchise Deals, generating more Franchisee profit, creating more royalties, reducing Franchisee turnover & more. That is why we call it an investment.

We customize the project to your specific needs. There are no ongoing fees or hidden costs.

We provide the service, the data, the follow up and the suggestions (if you want them).

To get a feel for the value we provide for your investment, please make sure to read How Does It Work.

Want to learn more? Fill out the form below.