I am sure you have received emails or requests from potential Franchise buyers that want to call your existing Franchise owners. Someone wants to buy your Franchise, they go through the due diligence process and at some point they want to talk with existing Franchisees right?

After losing a 6 unit deal and a 3 unit deal in the same month, right after the buyer talked with a few of the existing Franchise owners, I started to think that maybe what I THOUGHT the Franchisees were saying was different than what the Franchisees were ACTUALLY saying when potential Franchise buyers would call them for validation.

Did you notice those two different phrases? I want to emphasize the difference.

What did I THINK our Franchisees were saying?


What were they ACTUALLY saying?

Do you know what your Franchisees are actually saying versus what you think they are saying?

Are you getting deals part way through your process and after they talk with your Franchisees the potential Franchise buyers are stalling out?

Have you been ghosted by a Franchise buyer lead and you don’t know why?

Maybe they called your Franchisees and you don’t know it or worse yet, maybe they called your Franchisees and heard something different than what you think they are hearing?

I’d love to talk with you about Mystery Validation™

Mystery Validation™ is kind of like a Secret Shopper but for Franchisors that want someone with Franchise experience to independently validate with their Franchisees and provide the unbiased information that can help implement real change in your Franchise system.

Click here to find out how it works!